USCA MidWest 6W Regional Championship
September 1-4, 2023
Tulsa Croquet Club - Tulsa, OK
Players and guests were treated to relatively mild Tulsa weather and the fastest courts in the history for LaFortune Park. This was fortuitous as we had a very strong field of players from around the country. Matt Baird filled his Tournament Director’s role admirably by implementing new ideas from his recent TD class. We thank everyone who pitched in from Day One in setting up and taking down courts and supporting structures. We especially appreciated teammates Brian Hovis and Brian Zindel for their work in pounding wickets. We also thank Brian Hovis and Russell Dilley their work as videographers throughout the tournament. And of course the TCC social committee for all their help with keeping us fed and watered.
Tournament started on on Friday after lunch with singles in the afternoons and doubles in the mornings. One idea that we implemented this tournament was moving flights around to all 4 courts instead of our previous practice of keeping flights in the same location most of the time. It was good to have many friends who have played here frequently over the years, but it was great to have John Brown and Rich Lamm back after not seeing them for many years. We owe a lot to our groundskeeper Brad Remke for mowing and rolling the courts to create the fastest playing surface we’ve ever had.
Doubles results were determined on Sunday, leaving Monday for Singles playoff in both flights.
George Cochran & Scott Spradling were 1st and Conner Helms & John Brown took 2nd Place in CHAMPIONSHIP, while Gene Bryan & Joe Schulte took 1st Place and Greg & Jodi Adams 2nd in FIRST FLIGHT.

Scott Spradlng &
George Cochran

Gene Bryan &
Joe Schulte
In CHAMPIONSHIP Singles Finals Conner Helms took 1st Place over his Doubles partner John Brown. FIRST FLIGHT Singles 1st Place Winner was Carl Archiniaco with Greg Clouse taking 2nd Place.

Conner Helms &
John Brown

Greg Clouse &
Carl Archiniaco
On Monday, we were able provide one court for TCC President Anna Hanson to host a Childrens Golf Croquet Tournament to stimulate growth of our sport for upcoming generations. We look forward to seeing everyone back for the 2024 season.
Championship Singles
1. Conner Helms
2. John Brown
3. George Cochran
3. Kevin McQuigg
5. Scott Spradling
5. Britt Ruby
5. Brian Hovis
5. Brian Zindel
8. Rich Lamm
8. Matt Baird
8. Russell Dilley
8. Deborah Millican
8.Ron Millican
8. Joe Steiner
First Flight Singles
1. Carl Archiniaco
2. Greg Clouse
3. Jon Spaulding
3. Greg Adams
5. Suzanne Spradling
5. Gene Bryan
5. Joe Schulte
5. Jodi Adams
Championship Doubles
1. George Cochran & Scott Spradling
2. Conner Helms & John Brown
3. Britt Ruby & Kevin McQuigg
3. Brian Hovis & Brian Zindel
5. Deborah Millican & Ron Millican
6. Rich Lamm & Russell Dilley
7. Art Parsells & Joe Steiner
First Flight Doubles
1. Gene Bryan & Joe Schulte
2. Greg Adams & Jodi Adams
3. Greg Clouse & Suzanne Spradling
3. Jon Spaulding & Carl Archiniaco