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Official Address United States Croquet Association
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HomeCroquet Introduction
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Croquet is more than you remember. More Fun. A real Sport.

Countless Americans have all played and enjoyed nine-wicket or long grass croquet. It's a fun, family game played in backyards and public parks across the United States, by children and adults alike.

Now discover the modern sport of six-wicket croquet. Specially built courts and precision equipment set the stage for an addictive game of strategy and skill. The basics are easy to learn, and yet there's always a new level for those who seek a challenge. Croquet is a competitive sport with a relaxed, sociable atmosphere, and a strong tradition of sportsmanship.

Get started by checking out our online video presentation. Then try the game at one of the hundreds of USCA-registered croquet clubs, or by taking the introductory class at USCA Schools. Please contact the USCA if you would like more information.

Six-Wicket Croquet

Six-wicket croquet is the complex sport played at croquet clubs all over the world with six wickets, one stake, and rectangular courts. It calls for well-maintained and level lawns cut very short and involves complex strategy and advanced shot-making skills. Using only four balls and two or four players, the variations of this game are usually played with heavyweight, high-quality equipment available from specialized manufacturers and suppliers.

American Croquet

This American game is played regularly by five to ten thousand people in the United States and Canada at approximately 600 venues, ranging from modest lawns at public and private facilities to large multi-lawn facilities at sports clubs, country clubs, and resorts. Read a brief synopsis, or look up the official rules, of American Croquet.

Association Croquet

This is the game played around the world and in most international competitions. Association Croquet is generally played in the major croquet-playing countries of England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Egypt, and the European nations. Read a brief synopsis, or look up the official rules, of Association Croquet.

Golf Croquet

Golf Croquet is a version of the game that is very popular due to the fact that new players can be introduced to the game rather quickly and can begin playing after learning just a few basic concepts and skills.  As players progress and more advanced shooting skills and tactics are developed, Golf Croquet provides limitless challenges and competition.  It engages a broad range of ages and skill levels.  What sets Golf Croquet apart from other codes of the game is that play is continuous with each player taking one turn at a time. This provides great interaction between players whether they are in a casual social game at their club or, playing highly strategic shots in an international competition. Read a brief synopsis, or look up the official rules, of Golf Croquet.

Nine-Wicket Croquet

Nine-wicket croquet is the casual, social form of croquet played by millions across North America with the traditional nine wickets, two stakes, and double-diamond court. It is usually played on long grass or other slow or irregular surfaces in backyards or public parks. Using up to six balls and as many players, the many varieties of this game are usually played with lightweight, inexpensive 6-ball sets popularly available.

Read a brief synopsis, or look up the official rules, of Nine-Wicket Croquet.

Family Croquet

For family play, the court layout can be of any size or shape, and is often distorted to take "advantage" of trees and bushes. Six balls, instead of the usual four balls, are often used. Players can play individually or in teams. This variation of croquet is also called Extreme Croquet or Guerilla Croquet.