Successful high-handicap format: The “Turkey Trot” at Lenox CC
David Ekstrom, president of Lenox Croquet Club, had the brainstorm: Let’s have a US Rules six-wicket tournament for handicaps 10 and up. Less skilled players will have the courts to themselves, without champs and first-flighters looking down lawn at them. But would it draw?
It did. The first annual “Turkey Trot” (September 17–19) drew 18 players from five states to the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts. Ekstrom and tournament director Webster Bull divided them in two flights of nine: the Turkeys (10–12) and the Gobblers (13+). Games were 75 minutes double-banked on one full-size court and two half-size, with all players rotating among three lawns. No court preference was given to lower handicaps.
All matches allowed players do-overs on wicket #1, in order to get everyone immediately in the game. Otherwise, all USCA rules applied. Each court was monitored by a referee or experienced player, who helped move the games along by answering questions, assuring correct rotation, and avoiding two much interference between double bankers.
Martie Ekstrom led the planning and delivery of all food and drink; and she set the standard for board-keeping among the volunteer members who pitched in for the three-day event.
In the competition, Bob Snyder was top Turkey, going undefeated (10 and 0) and besting Rita Ginsky 14–8 in the finals. John Welch led the Gobblers with a 14–12 final over Ellen Snyder. Katie Bull and Steve Zoric won third place among Turkeys and Gobblers respectively.
Bob and Ellen Snyder being husband and wife, there was some thought to renaming the tournament the Snyder if both won. Hopefully, both and many others will return for next year’s Turkey Trot.
Final Order
1. Robert Snyder
2. Rita Ginsky
3. Katie Bull
4. Douglas Greeff
5. George Claffey
6. Hilary Michaels
7. Claude Lourie
8. Ken Heim
9. Claudia Parks
1. John Welch
2. Ellen Snyder
3. Steve Zoric
4. Larry Schmutz
5. Carol Stuart
6. Sarah Persons
7. Constance “Kim” Beaty
8. Karen Kay
[All photos courtesy of Ed Michaels]

Turkey Trot Double Digits Participants

Turkeys - Rita Ginsky & Robert Snyder

Gobblers - Ellen Snyder & John Welch