2021 Woodlawn Invitational
June 17-20, 2021
After two days of block play and a day of a double elimination format, the Woodlawn Invitational Six Wicket Singles Croquet Tournament wrapped up with the final matches held at the Woodlawn court on Sunday, June 20, 2021, The final results are:
Championship Flight
1. Webster Bull
2. Peter Grey
3. Mark Masselink
4. Don Parker
5. Bob Worrell
5. Neil Houghton
5. Perry Mattson
First Flight
1. Ron Millican
2. Oakley Johnson
3. Deborah Millican
4. William Whitman
Second Flight
1. Fred Beck
2. Barbara Entzminger
3. Tina Hinckley
4. Penny Curtis

Peter Grey & Webster Bull Oakley Johnson & Ron Millican Barbara Entzminger & Fred Beck