Croquet Foundation of America's 8th Annual Snowbirds vs Flamingos Benefit Tournament

February 3rd and 4th of 2021 will be remembered for two things. First, the winds blew in some of the coldest weather of the year to south Florida and second, 60 Snowbirds and Flamingos descended on the lawns of the National Croquet Center to compete in the 8th Annual Snowbirds and Flamingos Tournament. While the weather may have caused some clubs to cancel their respective golf tournaments, the stamina and fortitude of croquet players stood firm against the cold and wind.
It was exciting to see some of the familiar birds from previous years but even more exciting to welcome the new birds who joined us to play in this Fun-d-raiser. There were 10 teams in each flight (5 Snowbirds and 5 Flamingos) Championship, First Flight, Second Flight, and throughout the 2 days the games were pretty evenly matched. In the end, the Flamingos pulled out the overall team win with 41 wins to Snowbirds 34 wins and managed to tie the series to 4 all. The Snowbirds took the Championship Flight with Sandy Knuth and Steve Morgan taking home first place. Second place went to the team of Brian Mitchell and Wayne Gallo, and coming in third place were David and Martie Ekstrom. In First Flight, the team of Tate and Cami Russack claimed first place with Lois Clay and Trudie Crowetz coming in second and Clint Fowlkes and Connie Gallo taking home third place. Third Flight winners, in first place Mike Sexton and Jean Salem, Marianne Davidson and Mary Churchill in second and Pam Heyer and Vicky Naranjo in third. Of special note, first place winners in all three flights were undefeated!
While we're still waiting for all the dust to settle, it looks like Snowbirds and Flamingos will net $5,000.00. The proceeds will be used to purchase a computer and printer for the use of the Tournament Directors here at NCC. The remainder will be added to the reserve fund to replace the awnings.
Priscilla Flowers - Tournament Director