Hosted by the Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa and the Lakewood Club Fairhope, Alabama
April 25-28, 2024
Cardo and Russell Reign as Grand Cup Champions

Above left: Championship Flight Singles Champion Bev Cardo (center)
with Assistant TD Cheryl Bromley (left) and TD Larkin Harris (right).
Above right: First Flight Singles Champion Todd Russell with TD Larkin Harris.
It was a beautiful stretch of sunny weather in Fairhope, Alabama for the inaugural Grand Cup 2024. The two regulation croquet lawns were buzzing with activity as eight top female and male visiting professionals led participants through semi-private clinics followed by an afternoon Pro-Am on the first day. A lovely outdoor Welcome Reception by the water topped off the evening at the Grand Hotel.

Above: Members of the Lakewood Croquet Club took to the lawns for morning clinics with the visiting pros followed by an afternoon Pro-Am.

Pro-Am Winners
Above left: Blue Division Winners Rodney Workman (Onwentsia Club, IL) and Mike Gordon (Lakewood Club, AL)
Above right: Orange Division Winners Barbara Mudd (Lakewood Club, AL) and Matt Griffith (Kactus Creek Croquet Club, MO)
A USCA sanctioned singles tournament began the next day with block play in two divisions, Championship and First Flight. Spectators sat courtside and were treated to spectacular shot-making and smart tactical play each day. A cross-block Knockout was seeded from the final positions of block play with final results posted below and more detailed match results listed on www.croquetscores.com. A fun Pro-Doubles round robin completed the weekend as the finals of the First Flight battled it out on Sunday.
Championship Flight Results
Champion: Bev Cardo
Finalist: Kent Lovvorn
Tied for 3rd: Cheryl Bromley & Marc Stearns
Consolation Winner: Matt Griffith
Consolation Finalist: Debbie Davidoff
Tied for 7th: Ellie Griffith & Rodney Workman
First Flight Results
FF Champion: Todd Russell
Finalist: Rick Hayes
Tied for 3rd: Susan Koepp & MaryCarol Stearns
Consolation Winner: Brian Midkiff
Consolation Finalist: Alan Porche
Tied for 7th: Barbara Mudd & Bess Gallanis