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Official Address United States Croquet Association
700 Florida Mango Road
West Palm Beach, Florida 33406
Contact P | (561) 478-0760
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US Team at the AC 2023 World Championship
From left: Zack Watson, Kyle Maloof, Stephen Morgan, Tom Balding, Jeff Soo, Paul Bennett, Doug Grimsley, Stuart Lawrence, Blake Fields, Sherif Abdelwahab, Matthew Essick
Photo Credit (above): Photo provided by Hurlingham Club photographer Isobel McTear

The United States Croquet Association (USCA) is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization.  Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Please consult your tax advisor for more information regarding charitable donations.

If you would like to make a gift through a different method such as a gift of stock, donor advised fund, or another giving vehicle we would be delighted to speak with you about that.  Please contact our office at +1 (561) 478-0760.

USCA General Fund

The USCA General Fund is comprised of assets that support the general operations of the organization.   Additionally, we support various activities with these assets, some of which are open-ended and others that are for a particular purpose.  Some of the items are listed below.

The USCA needs your support to provide opportunities to tomorrow's champions.
  • 2025 Under 21 Golf Croquet World Championship.

  • The Champions Purse - Established to lessen the impact of tournament fees for winners of a Regional Tournament.

  • Collegiate National Championship - Defray the cost of the annual tournament held in Pennsylvania at the Merion Cricket Club.
  • Promotions and the many activities that benefit the sport of croquet.
Contribute to the General Fund

Lee Olsen Fund

The Lee Olsen Fund, established in 1985 to help with the travel expenses of the USCA international team members.  This fund was named for Lee Olsen, a member of the Westhampton Mallet Club, NY and the Beach Club, FL who was a tireless ambassador for croquet.  The fund provides stipends to assist with the travel expenses of all members selected to represent the USA in international team competitions assistance to all youth competitors in international events.  Beginning in 2018 the Lee Olsen Fund designed and procured uniforms which are provided free of charge to any USCA members selected to represent the USA in international competition.  This has resulted in an esprit de corps among our international players and helps to present a unified presence when they compete abroad.

Your support can ensure the USCA can send our strongest teams to compete on the world stage.  The fund is instrumental in helping traveling teams and the demands continue to grow.

Contribute to The Lee Olsen Fund

High Performance and Talent Development Fund

Success at the international level as well as the development and engagement of young players with the potential of long playing careers are “trickle down” drivers for the entire membership.  The USCA High Performance and Talent Development Fund mission is to improve the performance of US representatives in international team and individual competitions.  The program is focused on developing players who have demonstrated the talent and drive to succeed and further improve at the international level.  The USCA, through this program, organizes opportunities and events with a structured environment that provides coaching, encouragement, peer support, assessment, and team-building.  The events are short in duration to enable full participation.

The USCA promotes the program through print and web based platforms, solicits host venues, arranges fixtures, provide coordination, publish development efforts, and provide competition opportunities.

Eligible players must demonstrate talent and skill.  They must exhibit drive and commitment to improving their knowledge and ability, commit to active participation in this program, and to contribute as development team members.  All coach and committee participation is provided without remuneration.

Program participation requires active engagement in all aspects of the events - coaching and peer discussions (on and off the lawn).  Participation in major USCA titled events is also encouraged and expected for the selection process.

In 2022 the USCA staged five HPTD events across the US.  Financial support is an essential part of the program.  Given the need to bring players together from around the country travel expenses are significant.  Funding of travel and event expenses will be provided to keep participant costs low, especially for the players participating in this program.  We are actively seeking contributors and donations for this specific purpose.

Contribute to the HPTD Fund