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HomeEventsUSCA Croquet Week GC Tournament - NCC West Palm Beach, FL

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Only 5 Spot(s) Left
USCA Croquet Week GC Tournament - NCC West Palm Beach, FL

About this event

Golf Croquet

Singles Only

Included in the entry fee is a daily beverage station and daily lunches. The field will be limited to 72. A wait list will be established for those over the limit. Players will be moved from the wait list as spaces open in the order of the date they signed up.

You must be logged in in order to sign up.

A block of rooms has been reserved at a special rate for this event at the Doubletree for $199. Click on the link below to receive the offer.

Your Attendee Reservation URL (long version) is immediately below. Please use this link specifically as copying it from one browser to another browser will remove the connections required.

Player List

1 Paige Brown
2 Nicholas Capobianco
3 Jay Carey
4 Gay Cinque
5 George Claffey III
6 James Creasey
7 Ivo Dentchev
8 Simon Dentchev
9 John Dillon
10 Barbara Glicken
11 Howard Glicken
12 Jacquie Harris
13 Joe Harris
14 Richard Hayes
15 L. Kim Jones
16 Paul Kroening
17 Jeff Morrison
18 Adam Peck
19 Sarah Persons
20 Rick Pratt
21 Gregory Presley
22 Nancy Rendleman
23 Richard Rendleman
24 Lee Robinson
25 Diane Rose
26 Rich Rose
27 Cami Russack
28 Janet Schwartz
29 Billy Simmons
30 Mark Ski
31 Shep Slater
32 Henry Smith
33 Holly Sperry
34 Ned Sperry
35 Robert Stevens


Friday, March 7, 2025, to Sunday, March 9, 2025


National Croquet Center
700 Florida Mango Rd.
West Palm Beach, FL  33406


Johnny Mitchell
561-478-0760 (p)


USCA Tournaments

Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Golf Croquet
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations made prior to the deadline will receive a credit to your account less a $25 handling charge. Any cancellation made after the deadline will forfeit any fees made except in the case of injury or illness less a $25 handling fee. Should an event be cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances, a full refund will be made to participants.


40 Total Slots
5 Available Slot(s)